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Our 2023/2024 Charity Project

During 2023 and 2024, we continued with our Quilts to Ukraine charity project; we sent quilts to Poland to support people who had been forced to flee their homes in Ukraine. 

To date, our members have managed to donate 74 quilts and 88 blankets as well as 81 teddy bears in bags and 64 wrapped Christmas presents for displaced Ukrainian children. Also included in our donations were 39 knitted toys and other items such as: travel rugs, knitted jumpers, cardigans, jackets, hats etc.

If you'd like to join us in making quilts for a worthy cause, you might like to come along to our monthly Needles Natter and Pins sessions. Each NNP meeting, a different quilt block will be demonstrated so that over the summer months we create sampler quilts. this approach proved to be really popular last year. 

Perhaps you have a quilt of your own that you are working on, or a finished quilt that you would like to donate to our next charity project.

The quilts can be any size, design or colour, but do need to be washable.



If you are a local charity or a not-for-profit organization and you would like to be considered for our 2024 charity project please contact or telephone 01527 854669

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